Supergraphic Landscapes
Research, Landscape and Exhibition Design, Signage Design
Supergraphic Landscapes is an interdisciplinary design research project at the intersection of architecture, graphic design, landscape architecture, and urbanism that leverages the application of vibrant color, charged surfaces, and political fictions to rescript the built environment and envision alternative spatial futures. Supergraphic Landscapes uses the power of graphics to change the way we see cities that may seem stuck or unchanging. It proposes possibilities for more equitable ways we can use our shared spaces. Supergraphic Landscapes takes the language of cities beyond just helping us find our way and uses it to shape the spirit of our places, crafting spaces where we feel at home and fostering a sense of community and belonging.
The first prototype installment of this work completed in the fall of 2022 was the design of festival grounds in Chicago’s North Lawndale neighborhood for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival, an architectural showcase of Sukkahs, small outdoor pavilions built for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. The festival grounds were defined as a wayfinding system for guiding visitors through the site, a locational visual marker, and a space for various forms of programming such as dance circles and community dinners.